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The Grimwalds, the Skazzerai, and the last end of the world

A while back I speculated that the Grimwalds - a family of businessfolks with their (literally) shadowy fingers in every (proverbial) pie in the Craft Sequence - were likely to be important in the Craft Wars. You can read the full article here but I can give you a spoiler now: I was right that they’re important, and wrong on every other element. 

Well, we can’t win them all.

Let’s dive in to everything we’ve learned since: who - or what - the Grimwalds are, how they’re connected to the skazzerai, and what they know about the end of the world.

(Yes, this is ALSO an update to the skazzerai series. Now that’s one speculation I DID largely get right).

Major spoilers for Wicked Problems, so make good choices, dear reader.

What did we learn about the Grimwalds in Wicked Problems?

The quote above sums up pretty much everything we knew about the Grimwalds prior to Wicked Problems, but sets the scene rather nicely. Wicked Problems tells us considerably more.

First of all, there’s only one Grimwald.

In my defence, they are explicitly described as a family in previous books - I wonder if Gladstone changed his mind about who they were / he was in the years between the first series and Craft Wars, or whether this was always the plan? - but we learn there is only one, and he is very, very old.

Apologies, that’s the wrong tense. He WAS very, very old. Ancient in fact. But he was definitely killed, and then semi-raised, but then seemingly properly killed, and is by the end of the book, absolutely dead-dead. As far as we know. This is, after all, a series about necromancers.

We don’t see Grimwald alive in this book at all. We find him deceased at the opera, where Tara steals his head and tells Kai (and the reader) that although he is human, he is “not a biologically modern one. Too many muscular attachment points on the jaw” (WP 219). Shenanigans, naturally, ensue, and eventually we reach the Grimwald spire, and discover a memento vivere. I’ll let Tara explain quite what that is.

As a Craftswoman, Tara is perfectly positioned to utilise the memento vivere to connect with Grimwald’s consciousness and find out wtf is going on. Kai has to jump in (again, perfectly positioned given her expertise in the Kavekana’ai caldera pool), and we discover quite a bit. To avoid another far too long quote, I’ve summarised here but recommend you go check out the actual section of the book, from page 366 onwards.

  • Kai sees a whole world before the history she knows - “beings like men, riding great feathered lizards" and “cities that were trees” with “great crystal spheres afloat like soap bubbles in the sky.” This isn’t prehistory as we know it, no scratchings on cave walls. As Kai says “A world it had been, a whole world.”

  • “And then the spiders came.”

  • The skazzerai arrived, and the world died in the dark.

  • Kai is able to talk to Grimwald (before he tries to take over her body) and he tells her more about what the skazzerai are and what they want. You’ll have to wait for the next article to dissect that bit, I’m afraid.

  • Kai also confirms that Grimwald was there, all those hundreds or thousands of years ago, fighting the skazzerai and constantly losing. “I lost my family. I lost my city. I lost my country and my world. I lost my name. I lost my heart and built myself a new one.” Grimwald “devoured the knowledge of my age, sorceries beyond any miracle you have ever known”, and kept fighting.

  • Grimwald was dying, then saw the Hero Twins from Quechal scripture sacrifice themselves. Quite what happened - what is myth and what is truth - is uncertain, but they “got a good punch in” and the skazzerai left. He woke up lessened, and found “the leftovers of a dead world.”

  • He taught them the basics of survival - fire, shelter, agriculture - and helped restart the world. Along with that, he helped the new world forget what happened, finding “pieces of our old war” and hiding them.

  • Grimwald tried to shape the course of history, preventing a build up of the power and ambition and desire that lead to skazzerai “but the end comes round at last.”

We still don’t know Grimwald’s original name, nor quite how he has survived all these years. All we know is that he was there at the last end of the world and has been fighting to prevent the next. Then came Gerhardt, and the Craft, and the rest is history.

And now he’s dead. His memento vivere is gone. I’d speculate that there might just be a part of him left in the back of Kai’s brain, because that feels like the kind of thing Gladstone would do, but Grimwald himself? Gone.

Murdered. Taken out, by those who WANT the skazzerai to come and eat the planet.

Grimwald and the spirecliffs

We’ve seen that Grimwald fought the skazzerai last time, and he’s been taken out before they come next time. But he has a bit of a closer connection: the spirecliffs.

The spirecliffs are a supernatural disaster off the coast of Southern Kath, being kept kind of in check by the goddess Ajaia and Caleb Altemoc’s Two Serpents Group. And this time I did need the super long quote rather than a summary:

So, some secretive shadowy person or corporation was shipping a ‘meteorite’ (which is later confirmed to be a piece of skazzerai iron), which when shipwrecked destroyed miles of coast and has locked a powerful goddess in constant battle for the years since.

Kai is called in as the Kavekanese representative of ‘Star Apple’, the shell corporation that had been shipping the meteorite. It was she who first retained the Two Serpents Group to try and prevent further destruction, and she is brought in when the spirecliffs collapse after Dawn steals the meteorite / skazzerai shard. Kai can’t say much about her client due to complicated magical nondisclosure agreements:

I probably didn’t need to include that quote in its entirety, but I enjoy the explanation.

Despite Kai’s oath of nondisclosure, she IS able to retain Tara’s services and thus bring her to said anonymous client. At the Opera House, in Chartegnon. Where he is then found dead.

Which means that Grimwald, who has been desperately trying to prevent “pieces of our old war” from falling into other hands, for some reason decided to ship one of those pieces on a commercial freighter. When the shard infiltrated Ajaia and her lands, he essentially funded the Two Serpents Group to maintain the cliffs - but to what end?

I don’t have an answer. The only theory that makes sense to me is that perhaps I’ve misread the text, and somebody else was shipping it then Grimwald stepped in to help. Tara says to the Grimwald memento vivere, “You helped the Iskari in the God Wars. You saved Kos and Seril. You caught that shard in the spirecliffs, before any of us knew what we were fighting” (WP 364).

She’s saying he CAUGHT the shard, not that he was responsible for the spirecliffs themselves. In the convoluted structure Kai describes above, was there in fact a totally different player who had and then shipped the meteorite, perhaps causing the shipwreck on purpose? We know Grimwald has worked with Kai and the Kavekanese priesthood before - specifically on Seven Alpha, the Blue Lady’s somewhat predecessor - so did he use his shadowy power to claim responsibility and help clear it up?

But if Grimwald didn’t actually ship the shard, or cause the disaster, who did? And why?

Well, you’ll have to wait for the next article for that.

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