Craft Sequence Essays

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Who is Tara Abernathy? | Craft Sequence Character Deep Dive

Who is Tara Abernathy? | Craft Sequence Character Deep Dive

Tara Abernathy is the main character of the CRAFT WARS trilogy, and a major protagonist of the CRAFT SEQUENCE series. But who is she? How does she develop over the series so far? This introduction to Tara Abernathy starts our new character deep dive series - check it out.

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What will happen in Dead Country and the Craft Wars Trilogy?

What will happen in Dead Country and the Craft Wars Trilogy?

We are DAYS away from the (US) release of Dead Country, the first Craft Sequence novel in six years and the start of the Craft Wars, a capstone trilogy for the current storyline.

Which means only one thing.

It’s time for WILD speculation. Read on for 16 theories of what we might see in Craft Wars!

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What's the deal with the space spiders?

What's the deal with the space spiders?

In Quechal mythology, the skazzerai are demonic spiders at the end of the universe spinning webs between the stars. We have evidence they’ve visited the world of Craft before ‘to eat’ - and it looks like they’re going to play a part in the CRAFT WARS endgame. So, what’s the deal with the space spiders?

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LAST EXIT review - a visceral, electric reflection of our world

LAST EXIT review - a visceral, electric reflection of our world

LAST EXIT is a visceral, electric reflection of our world, its crushing despairs and glimmers of hope, wrapped up in a fast-moving plot and fantastical alternative worlds. At the same time an indictment of our world, a call to action to improve it, and a crescendo of hope that maybe we actually can, this is possibly Gladstone’s best writing yet.

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Mapping Alt Coulumb (Part 1)

Mapping Alt Coulumb (Part 1)

Alt Coulumb is the primary setting for two Craft Sequence novels, but no map exists of the city. We’ve gone through every detail available in the books to create possibly the first ever map of Alt Coulumb, with only a little artistic licence to fill in some of the gaps.

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