Craft Sequence Essays
Welcome to our archive of articles and essays about the Craft Sequence. Scroll for all of our articles, or go wherever suits you:
Relatively spoiler free essays if you’re new to the series / partway through and don’t want to spoil yourself
Spoilerific essays if you’ve read the series and want to delve deeper

The story so far... Full Fathom Five
Everything you need to remember from FULL FATHOM FIVE before reading WICKED PROBLEMS. Characters, plots, and the importance of the book for the rest of the series.

The story so far... Four Roads Cross
Everything you need to remember from FOUR ROADS CROSS before reading WICKED PROBLEMS. Characters collide, and my gods it’s a fun one.

The story so far... Three Parts Dead
Everything you need to remember from THREE PARTS DEAD before reading WICKED PROBLEMS. Characters, plots, and the importance of the book for the rest of the series.

The story so far... Two Serpents Rise
Everything you need to remember from TWO SERPENTS RISE before reading WICKED PROBLEMS. Characters, plots, and the importance of the book for the rest of the series.

The story so far... Last First Snow and what came before
Everything you need to remember from LAST FIRST SNOW before reading WICKED PROBLEMS. Characters, plots, and the importance of the book for the rest of the series.

Craft Wars Predictions Update - what will happen in Wicked Problems and beyond?
A year ago we predicted what might happen in Dead Country - how accurate were we? And what else do we predict for Wicked Problems and the Craft Wars series?

Masterpost: Everything we know about the skazzerai
Masterpost of all articles in the Skazzerai / Space Spiders series.

Who - or WHAT - is Dawn?
Dawn is possibly the most important new character we meet in Dead Country - yet we learn perishingly little about her. Who exactly is Dawn? And is ‘who’ even the right question?

Character Connections
The Craft Sequence is a sprawling series with characters showing up in different narratives and meeting all sorts of characters. This somewhat crazy article tracks the connections between the main characters in a conspiracy theory style wall.

Wicked Problems Liveblog - SPOILER FREE
I’ve read WICKED PROBLEMS and it’s everything I want and more. I also livetweeted it, and to save you the hassle of scrolling through 100+ tweets everything is collated here for your ease and enjoyment. No spoilers, lots of [REDACTED].

Masterpost: Tara Abernathy Deep Dive
Masterpost of all articles in the Tara Abernathy Deep Dive series.

Tara Abernathy's Childhood and Upbringing | Craft Sequence Character Deep Dive
Our upbringings shape us, for better or for worse. What was Tara Abernathy’s childhood and upbringing like? How did it shape the woman she became? Part of the Tara Deep Dive series.

The Body, the Others, and what Denovo did in the desert | Space Spiders
Third in the skazzerai series. Tara has learnt a lot about the demonic space spiders en route to the Craft world, but it isn’t until the end of Dead Country that she finds out their connection to her old nemesis Alexander Denovo - and what he did in the desert.

Who is Alexander Denovo and what does he want?
Alexander Denovo looms large over the Craft Sequence despite his early death. As his influence comes back in the Craft Wars trilogy, we ask: who is he, and what does he want?

Visions in the Edge Storm | Space Spiders
A magical storm showing every possible future now only shows one: the end of the world. What did Tara and Dawn see in the edge storm? What does that mean for the rest of the Craft Wars trilogy?

What has Tara learnt about the skazzerai since Alikand? | Space Spiders
The end of the world is coming. Tara and her allies are gearing up to fight the skazzerai, spider-like creatures from deepest space - but how much do they (and we) know about this great enemy? Here’s everything we find out in the first half of Dead Country.

Choice of the Deathless Walkthrough
Choice of the Deathless is the first of two unconnected choose-your-own-adventure text games set in the world of the Craft Sequence, set several years before the novels. This article looks at the different chapters of the game, key characters, and the awards you can win through different choices - everything you need to know is right here.

Craft Sequence DRAGONS as planes and weapons (part 2)
We’ve looked at almost every reference to dragons in the Craft Sequence, so now we’re bringing out the big guns - figuratively and literally. Read on to see how dragons act as magical jumbo jets and also corpse WMDs - yes, literally.

Every reference to DRAGONS in the Craft Sequence (part 1)
In honour of Tor Books’s 5th annual Dragon Week, here’s an unplanned article about EVERY SINGLE dragon reference in the series. Part 1, because it turns out there’s way more than I thought. YOU’RE WELCOME.

Guide to Gladstone: What to read after the Craft Sequence
So you’ve made it through the scarred and staggering world left by the God Wars, whichever chronology worked out for you. You’re still picking the shards of Ruin of Angels out of your teeth or you just snapped up Dead Country and it’s not enough. Where should you go next?
This comprehensive guide to Max Gladstone’s other works will help you choose.
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